Re: [Usability] A file information preview system in Nautilus

Maybe we could put all this valuable file-related info in the sidebar, when the "Information" option is displayed?  Right now I find that feature of the sidebar less than informative, and this seems like a natural kind of thing to display.
That might be a good idea, I'm ashamed I didn't even think of it (that is kind of informative on how useless the information sidebar is currently :). There is one gigantic problem though: people using the spatial nautilus. There is no toolbar, no sidebar, and nobody hears your screams there :)
(I think single-click-spatial-nautilus is the best thing since sliced bread by the way, but maybe I'm just crazy)
While the mock up looks nice and all, that is most defintely not how
compositing works.
How so? Are Affinity and Avant-Window-Navigator not able to do similar things for example?
This is exactly the problem that Apple went on to solve with the 
QuickLook feature in OS X Leopard
Interesting! While I had that idea a while back (±2 years ago), I indeed saw Leopard machines recently and stumbled upon the QuickLook feature, and was impressed by how nicely it worked. It felt natural. And then I thought "damn those cupertino's with their mind readers!"

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