Re: [Usability] inability to experiment

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:33 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt myrealbox com> wrote:
Matthew Nuzum wrote on 28/05/08 15:27:


> of the dialogue to the left of the close button and the "undo" button
> should be in the toolbar or drop down menu.
> [1] Example button placement:


I think adding another button immediately to the left of the "Close"
button would make these problems worse: the window would look even more
like a dialog, just with strangely worded buttons. So people would click
"Revert", and wonder why the window didn't close like it does when they
click "Cancel".

Matthew Paul Thomas



I propose 2 visual solution taking into account: [<- Undo] [X Close] and [<- Undo] [OK]
In this type of dialogs where thinks apply immediately when the user choose an option or a selection, user should only aknowledge what they see/choose with OK and autoclose the windows or just pray for Undo operation (how many Undos? should we take into account an hidden labeled listed history undo? is it to much huge in terms of informations provided with this simply dialog?).



Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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