Re: [Usability] cheese usability review

On So, 2008-01-27 at 14:10 +0100, Valent Turkovic wrote:
> daniel g. siegel wrote:
> > dear all,
> > 
> > while the ui of cheese gets described as quite good by some and as
> > pretty bad by others, i would like to discuss the ui and usability of
> > cheese and even enhance it to be full HIG compatible. i am not a
> > usability expert and the ui of cheese was done step by step without even
> > thinking about people with handicaps or other usability features.
> > therefore it would be very nice if some of you could post their opinion
> > about cheese and what we could do better. 
> > 
> > thanks a lot!
> > 
> > daniel
> I find your app great and I can hardly see what you need to improve. I 
> only see one small usability issue in effects - when you click on a 
> effect that effect just gets a blue overlay. That immediately looked too 
> subtle but I shrugged it of as "it's maybe only me". When I introduced 
> cheese to a new linux user and that user didn't register when some 
> effects were active and which ones (sometimes multiple). I had to 
> explain to that user "you see there icons are blue and that means they 
> are active".

we have a ghop student working on that. please see

do you have an idea how we could improve that?

> Also now that I look at it "Back" button should be maybe bigger? 

bold font for "back"?

> I also 
> found that users after applying effect had to look more than they should 
> have in order to find how to get back to taking snapshots or video clips.

we already considered to remove the "modes" and just to have 2 buttons
for video and photo.

thanks for your email!


> Thanks for a great app!
> Valent.
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