Re: [Usability] Nautilus emblems

If we're going to revamp most of the emblems, anyway, it might be a good
idea to look into what we'd like to do with the emblems. I.E. by having
them, what are we enabling people to do?

The only thing I can see that takes them into consideration is you can
arrange items in Nautilus by emblem. I think it would be a good idea to
look into expanding their functionality. We could probably come up with
some cool stuff to do with them.

As for what emblems we can eliminate or don't need to ship - In a lot of
cases, these seem pretty random. I'm using the oxygen-refit icon theme,
so I don't know which ones look tired in standard GNOME, but I don't see
why we need to ship both "urgent" and "important". I don't know why
someone would tag something as "lightning". We also have "multimedia"
and "sound", and "VLC" in there. Not sure if it's just my icon theme,
but these can be consolidated, I think. There's "art" and "painting".
I'm sure more people can think of other tags that aren't necessary.

Hope this helps some,


On Fri, 2008-04-04 at 20:45 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
> Dear UI people.
> Recently the issue that some of the Nautilus emblems needs updating came 
> up during a Art Team meeting [1].
> At the same time, it was suggested that it might be wise to look into 
> what emblems we should be shipping, as we were a bit uncertain if all 
> the current ones made sense.
> Therefore we thought it might be best to check with the UI people what's 
> the idea behind emblems in their current incarnation is and how people 
> are supposed to use them.
> Ie. What emblems should we ship, alt. Should we ship any at all?
> 1.
> - Andreas
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