Re: [Usability] Cascading Menus, Context Menus, and Moving Files

On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 11:05:42AM +0200, Amaury Chamayou wrote:
> There's always the BeOS fashioned cascading menu. While it doesn't solve
> everything, it is certainly better than standard context menus. I couldn't
> find the original picture, so I did a quick and dirty here :

How does it 'solve' anything?

> I can imagine how it would look.
> >The first question would be wether the menu should grow to include
> >the sub level, or if the sub level should be drawn on top.
> >The problem is that it would make searching for an item terribly slow,
> >as then submenus don't appear on the side on just mouse-over.
> I'm not entirely sure I understand, could you explain further ?

If you now move through a menu, you can scan the contents of sub menus 
without leaving the main menu and without clicking.

With menus that work similar to a tree-view, you don't see submenu 
contents before explicitly opening them.

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:

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