Re: [Usability] Tab consistency

On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 22:57 +0200, Erik Jan Philippo wrote:
> Ubuntu is also planning tab consistency:

>From that page:

  "We propose to standardise on Ctrl-TAB and Ctrl-Shift-TAB for
   switching between tabs. This is a keystroke combination that
   is not commonly used already..."

They need to do their homework.  In GTK+, Ctrl+Tab moves focus
between groups of widgets.  It's sort of a souped up version of
Tab, and it has the distinct advantage of actually working in a
multiline text editor, where Tab just inserts a tab character.

Given that we've used Ctrl+Tab for this purpose for a long time,
and given that we've used Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown for switching tabs
for an equally long time, I don't think it's likely we'll change.


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