Re: [Usability] Image Viewing vs. Editing

What I'm saying is that there are different ways to work with image files, like edit, and manage/view., and that default applications, as a design constraint, can't choose which one you want to do around half of the time (if editing and viewing have similar weights). Editing has a larger cost than viewing, as it takes a longer time for image editors to load. There could be many ways to improve usability in this sense (i.e. a brainstorm may help on this issue).

Denis Washington wrote:
On Wed, 2007-12-19 at 00:14 -0500, Jacob Beauregard wrote:
However, what about this scenario: have an "open in default image
editor" button in the image viewer.

eog (GNOME's default image viewer) has an "Open With" menu item in the
"File" menu with a sub-menu to choose the appropiate app, much like the
nautilus "Open With" menu item. Is this what you were looking for?


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