Re: [Usability] new search/replace dialog proposal for gedit

Il giorno gio, 09/11/2006 alle 12.38 -0800, Matthew Paul Thomas ha

> In my case, more because (a) I didn't receive the original message, and 
> (b) compiling is hard(TM). :-)

b) compiling is not needed, just drop the new glade file in place of the
old one [mind you, I haven't tried, I am not sure Baptiste used all the
proper names for the widgets fetched by libglade.

> I don't know whether it's helpful, but I think that:

I agree with some of the things you rise, but they are not related with
what Baptiste was asking: he was specifically asking if putting the
search options (Match Case, etc) in a grid is better than a vertical
list as they are now.

I have no strong opinion... using a grid makes the dialog smaller which
is a good thing, nontheless I personally find the vertical list easier
to find options in (maybe it's just because I am used to it). 

The grid layout may also have issues with translations with long

Just trying to keep the discussion focused on the specific issue, I hope
this message doesn't come across as rude... prolly I shouldn't answer
email when I have not yet had dinner at 22:00 :)


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