Re: [Usability] The future of gup in developer and bugzilla

En/na Calum Benson ha escrit:
>  Can you summarise the discussion again? :/

The part that affects GUP starts more or less here:

The debate moves around the platform to be used to manage wgo: to CVS
like until now or to CMS with Drupal (as default candidate). See

By default developer.g.o would move to live.g.o as agreed, but
apparently this is not enough for GUP's requirements. In the meantime
Shaun said that perhaps we need something more "strcutured" than a wiki
to organise and create stable documentation. Drupal has this capacity
and even some functionality to export Docbook, but of course it can't
generate tarballs etc.

So we should decide what to do with GUP, considering that developer.g.o
will be closed at some point.

>>Pyblosxom import error

> I fixed this.


> Probably fine, but I didn't really understand from that email what is
> proposed instead... where are GUP website bugs to be filed now?

The reorg was done. Now the GUP bugs live in the

Quim Gil -

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