Re: [Usability] Saving to open Nautilus windows

> Another similar idea I mocked up last year:

Imagine a webbrowser instead of a simple texteditor inside your mockup.
There will be a toolbar, bookmarks bar, tab bar, possibly a search bar
and a status bar. because of this i reduced height of the top. I also
removed the bottom because i dont think a resize area is needed.

I agree with your points 1,2,3 - though it might be very difficult to
include in metacity its good from the point of usability.

Point 5), here i have a complete different opinion. I would force people
to use alt+mousebutton3 and alt+mousebutton2 to move and resize. Since
nowadays a mouse has more than 3 buttons one could make this even
possible by only using the mouse buttons. 
Therefore a resize area is not a vital part of a window. 
Little additional learning here for the user, but big improvement in
users window-handling and speed.

... just read Phils related £0.02
The icon in the mockup above would have the drag drop functionality.
Are tabs a gnomelib/gtklib thing we can change - or is it homebrew by
the applications? Cause diving into applications code instead of libs
they use is hard to do.

regards, Sven

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