Desktop Publishing [Re: [Usability] GNOME and Hardware Detection]

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On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Sarah Berry wrote:

> Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:51:24 -0500
> From: Sarah Berry <sberry grex cyberspace org>
> To: usability gnome org
> Subject: [Usability] GNOME and Hardware Detection
> Hello THere,


> On an unrelated matter, I think perhaps starting small is the best
> apporoach for DTP,

Those who choose to develop Desktop Publishing applications will be the
ones who make the decisions.  Given the huge head start Scribus has I
expect any developers interested in Desktop publishing will try to carve
out a different niche.

I hope people will take an interest in making it possible to cleanly
integrate QT applications in Gnome so no one feels the need to reinvent

> competed successfully against Microsoft Publisher for home users and
> that is a gap we need to exploit on the Linux desktop.  We have a superb

I think some users are forcing OpenOffice to do these kinds of tasks for
better or worse.  There are other applications like glabels which have
very specific purposes.

All we can do is wait and see (or get coding and help make it happen).


Alan Horkan

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