Re: [Usability] any menu editor suggestions?

On Fri, 2005-03-25 at 23:20 +0100, Christian Neumair wrote:
> > 2. My second concern is third party apps a user downloads from the net
> > that can be run from whichever directory it is extracted to (which is,
> > imho, how apps like these should work; just download an archive, extract
> > it somewhere, open folder, click icon). How do you get that application
> > to show up in the menu?
> Hrm gnome-menu-editor now allows to drag binaries and scripts to the
> application section (if only one menu is selected). A dialog pops up
> with name and executable pre-filled, where the name is the basepath of
> the exec path. Works and feels neat, actually :).
> > My initial proposal was to make it possible to drop executbles/desktop
> > files in the window and remove the entry when the executable is removed.
> So you think it is a good idea to not display an entry whenever the
> binary specified by the "Exec" field is not available? Doesn't sound
> very practicable, really.

In Calum's design proposals, your first GME release and early version of
my own unreleased (and will probably stay so since you beat me to it :-)
menu editor (heavily based on Calum's design) there was no "delete
application" button. Monitoring if the exe of applications dropped in
the window is removed and then remove the entry would be a neat way to
avoid adding one.

> > I think this can be solved nicely by having the app copy a desktop file
> > to .local/share/applications/ the first time it is started... right? If
> > it doesn't... well, it's a bug in the app. :)
> People who don't use packaging systems to install apps have been and are
> still on their own.

I think we'll see more and more _end user_ binary only LSB, Mono, Java,
Python, ... apps not available as a package for every distro in the
world as Linux on the desktop grows. Anyways, this is getting off-topic.

> I really recommend you to check out gnome-menu-editor and gnome-menus
> HEAD, grab both of the gnome-menus patches mentioned in README (it's a
> pitty you still need them) and give it a try.

Will do (as soon as my *bleeping* ISP delivers my connection).

Keep up the good work.


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