Re: [Usability] Compress Files feature directly from Properties options

On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 22:22 +0100, John Keller wrote:
> I think what you're looking for is already available: There's an item 
> called "Create Archive..." that launches File Roller. From within this 
> graphical application, you can create all the archive file formats you 
> listed, and more.

When I do right click a file or files (in GNOME 2.8.1) and select
"Create Archive...", a dialog pops up and offers creation of a tar.gz.
It doesn't offer a path for me to select (defaults to the current dir),
nor does it offer me other formats that file roller supports. Perhaps a
feature request for these things would be useful. (If you don't agree,
let me know so I can file this one myself :-) 

I am also not sure if this dialog is File Roller or Nautilus. Anyone

Karim Nassar
Department of Computer Science
Box 15600, College of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Northern Arizona University,  Flagstaff, Arizona 86011
Office: (928) 523-5868 -=- Mobile: (928) 699-9221

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