Re: [Usability] "About" menu items galore...

On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 21:31 -0400, Jason Hoover wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 17:53 +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:
> > Documentation is owned by someone else.  This could stand to be made
> > clearer in some cases and a section on the program copyright could be
> > included in the doucmentations as well.  (I wonder how much disk space
> > could be saved by having a standard folder containing all the licensese
> > instead of repeating them in every About Dialog and in every program
> > manual and in some cases ever file of source code.)
> That explains that. It'd make a lot of sense, especially considering
> quite a few applets don't even show what license they're written under!
> I wonder, why is it called the "Titlepage" (not a real word, by the way)
> and kept at the top, if all it contains is legal and copyright
> information and no actual title?

1) It does contain the title, as well as other information.  If the
title isn't at the top, there's a bug.

2) In more recent versions of Yelp, it's been buried under the menu
item "About This Document", since most users really don't care about
all that stuff.

3) It's pretty standard practice to provide author credits, publisher
information, and copyright notices on the titlepage.  The nicer books
will have a true titlepage, set in full splendor by a professionl
typographer, as well as a page listing all the legal mumbo jumbo.
Yelp just sort of condenses everything into one information page.

4) Titlepage is a word.


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