Re: [Usability] Interacting with open folders

Christian Neumair wrote:

Am Donnerstag, den 10.02.2005, 14:52 +0100 schrieb Maurizio Colucci:

  [Proposals for improving spatial folder window interaction]

  I am not sure if this also allows to drag an open folder to another

We definitly need a drag handle for spatial windows somewhere.

If you can try to implement it, that would be welcome by everybody I believe. However, I would not focus on dragging alone.

A couple of notes:

Some brainstorming:

a Use whole statusbar as drag handle (is this sane/intuitive?)

This is not discoverable.

b Use menu in statusbar on the left as drag handle

not discoverable.

c Middle-clicking background and moving starts drag

not disc.

d Use menubar as drag handle

not disc.

e Add special area to menubar on the right with a folder icon, use this
as drag handle

I'm not sure a folder icon would convey the meaning of "drag"...

f Have a folder icon at the edge of (always displayed) scrollbars as
drag handle (cp. gimp)
as above

IMHO, the only way to make it discoverable is to insert a button somewhere, named "drag this folder to...". Or at least an icon with a tooltip.


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