Re: [Usability] The ``Replace File'' dialog should display the two file sizes, times, etc.

On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 10:32:47AM +0200, Christian Neumair wrote:

> I've placed a proposed implementation of such a dialog under [1,2], which is losely
> linked to your proposal. You will simply have to unpack the attached
> testconflict.tbz2 file and enter "make".
> I am heavily interested to get a similar dialog structure into Nautilus
> 2.14. Any comments?

As others have noted this dialog is probably too complex for the
ordinary user, especially considering that in the vast majority of cases
you want to either overwrite or keep all differing files. I would
suggest do remove the check boxes and instead offer three buttons
"Overwrite Files", "Keep Files", and "Cancel". Additionally there could
be an option to open another dialog/application that allows finer
grained control of the move. (Keep this file, overwrite that, renaming
this third one, ...) But I really think that we should keep it out of
the main dialog.

 - Sebastian

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