Re: [Usability] Progress Bars

On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 21:21 -0700, Kirk Bridger wrote:
> I'm thinking of at least one situation where a single progress bar would
> not be sufficient - when the user needs to know at which point along the
> way something failed during a series of actions.
> For example, in Sound-Juicer, while ripping a series of songs, I want to
> be able to see the progress of each song.  This way, if there is a
> failure (or a slowdown due to copy protection schemes) I can see exactly
> where along the series of steps the failure occurred.
> This could also be covered by having SJ provide this info to the user
> upon failure, but this reduces it to a binary state - working or not.  I
> think the granularity of seeing the individual tasks in the series
> should not be removed.

If there is a *failure* to rip a disk, SJ should move to the next song
bring up a dialogue at the end telling the user what songs failed (I'm
not sure this happens). Ripping speed reducing is a fact of life and
will be ignored, as it could be caused by a scratch, the computer
shaking, or copy protection.

The irony here is that currently SJ does have two progress bars, but I
plan on removing one of them for G2.12.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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