Re: [Usability] Interface Design Question

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 09:58:10 -0400, Kyle Girard
<kyle girard klocwork com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I was reading over the HIG 2.0 and noticed that checkboxes aren't
> supposed to modify the contents of other components they are just
> supposed to enable or disable them.
> In my project I have three checkboxes one for each language Java, C, and
> C++ and when they are checked/unchecked they add/remove the usual
> filename extensions for those languages to a list.  The user can then
> add custom extensions or remove any extension from the list via add and
> remove buttons.

Make the three checkboxes into a list and have the "Add" button
transfer (not just add) the selected item to the other list? Custom
extensions could be added with a textbox. The main thing is to get the
layout to connect the buttons to the lists (or make additional button
for the textbox, but that would be duplication).

Kalle Vahlman, zuh iki fi

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