Re: [Usability] nautilus folder creation

Am Sonntag, den 24.10.2004, 01:09 -0300 schrieb Lucas Meneghel
> This is really weird...
> > as it is now: the user creates a new folder, then has to right-click it
> > again to
> > rename it.
> When I create a new folder in nautilus, the name "untitled folder" is
> highlighted so I can rename it without further clicking. I use ubuntu
> with gnome 2.8.
> Am I missing something here? 

what you describe happens genuisely on the desktop that is drawn by
as soon you are working from within a directory displayed by it, this
doesnt happen anymore. 

the classical, two different codes for the same task dilemma :P

well thanks for putting so much research into it

Markus Hammer                           hammer kunstradio at

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