Re: [Usability] splash screen, session tangent

On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 13:06 -0400, Bryan Clark wrote:
> Hey all ~
> Somewhat tangential issue to what has been discussed, I wanted to share
> some of the session / splash screen stuff I was working on a while back.
> In an effort to improve the usefulness of the session I worked on some
> ideas for making GNOME be better about always remembering what you were
> running.  I did this because it seems that session should always be
> remembered so that logging in and logging out isn't such a painful thing
> to do, i have see people book-marking their web pages to temporary
> folders so they could log out/shutdown and be able to return to their
> work-flow later.  The inherit problem with always remembering what's
> running in the session is that something you don't want to the computer
> to startup all those apps you were using.  Sometimes you just want to
> log in and get one thing without having email and the web all starting
> up.
> So anyway, I'm sure everyone is looking for mockups, so I made some ;)
> NOTE:  These are just idea generating mockups, for us to have a
> civilized discourse lets not dive into anything about HIG compliant
> padding or stuff like that for now :-)
> My idea is to make the splash screen more interactive.  Save all the
> apps in your previous session and then on login we show the applications
> being loaded, but make the loading interactive.  
> Here are some of issues I'd like to discuss:
> You need to allow enough time for people to turn on or off the different
> applications that might load into the session.  How do we assess this
> time?
> Do we keep the splash around while we load all the apps or just until
> the desktop is loaded?  You can't wait for apps that are blocking on
> some kind of I/O so how do we handle this?
> Document based applications, like do we stop the loading of the web
> browser all together or allow people to stop loading of certain web
> pages?  If so, how do we display that?  Expand the items are we click
> stop for?

I think a cleaner approach might be to have g-s-m pop up a "continue
after N-seconds if the user doesn't touch it" dialog* with a Sessions

    Last  // everything 
    Basic // no user apps (nautilus, panel, metacity, tray-applets only)
    (saved sessions)

That would handle the common cases pretty well (i.e. "start everything I
was running" v. "give me a quick `empty' desktop"). The dialog could
proceed via a "Next" button-- which would then move a list w/ checkboxes
for the "Custom" session (again, run startup after N-seconds if I don't
touch anything). Pick what you want and hit "Next", and the session
starts. In the future "We Are The Champions" doc-oriented world,
documents can simply be appended to that list.

IOW, I'm thinking of a "Sessions Assistant" that g-s-m starts with.

This has the added benefit of not having to figure out the proper
"whack-a-mole" behavior ;-).

* Would still require a lockdown key (e.g. "lockdown-session" to force a
particular session) even if it's if not optional.


    Jim Cape

    "If even one reporter had stood up during a pre-Iraq Bush press
     conference last year and shouted, `Bullshit!' it might have made a
        -- Matt Taibbi, New York Press

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