Re: [Usability] GNOME 2.6+ usability: points of critique


this is my last post on this thread,

> >
> > You start with a religion war.
> > Your point of view smells like a problem of a generic geek but the
> > audience of the Gnome is desktop for everyone (like my syster, my
> > mother and so on...)
> Sure that is our primary audience but we 

who, please?

> want to retain the geek audience
> too if at all possible, 

me too, but Gnome is desktop for everyone, so that geek tools must be hidden.
Or you want to reinvent the wheel?

> as they will invitably be the ones forced forever
> to act as tech support for other users and there help evangelising is
> important.

Totally agreed with you.

> It is difficult to cater to both but so long as we have the priorities
> clear I think we can do it.

I think the priority has to go closed to no-power users.
And not to Red Hat or Novell or Sun clients market (just my point of
view of course).

> > Again...
> > Just one time.
> > Nowadays you cannot use something different from a navigational mode
> > or a spatial one.
> > Gnome goes spatial.The decision was made.
> I still think it was a bit early to make spatial the default (and of
> course I'm biased and going to try and resist it) but on balance spatial
> works well and is a good idea.

Gnome community has not the power (today) to invent a new wheel.
The OO world is out there working.
OSX use it, WinXp use partially it, SGI IRIS use it...
What do you want to invent?
Actually Nautilus works well, you can use the spatial mode and if you
have problems...use the navigational browsing...because if you try to
use the nav mode could be you're a geek coming from the M$ world or
KDE like one.

> > Is absolutely fundamental that you rave this problems to the Gnome community.
> > You cannot make only simple critics.
> If a bit of raving is what it takes to get it off your chest and keep you
> using Gnome it might be worht it.  

I'm sorry.
I've used a sad term (to rave).It's just a problem of my English.
I agree with you.

> If you take the next step and followup
> with polite feedback to the relevant developers and a few well chosen bug
> reports then it was certainly well worth hearing a bit of ranting.

This is a right way.I'll take it.
Now I'm just working in my underground, building upon the architecture.
When the times goes mature everything will be released.


Ok, I cannot reply to the last statement you made because it smell
like you're flaming,
I'll take in consideration your suggestions.
But don't forget that we live into a democracy.

Now you've the last words, this is my last post into this thread
because this is a usability list.
If you want to say me something write me directly so the list will be
more clear.

> Sincerely
> Alan Horkan


Luca Cappelletti

Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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