Re: [Usability] Volume Control Consistency between Rhythmbox and To tem

On Mon, 24 May 2004 lukekendall optushome com au wrote:

> >  component. If you have a mixer panel, then all sliders are neatly aligned
> >  and you don't have to go hunting for them.
> I don't think the analogy helps - a hi-fi system isn't as flexible as a
> computer.  E.g. it won't mix and play multiple separate sound streams
> independently and simultaneously.

No, but a mixer panel will. On such a panel one can easily adjust volumes
of different sound sources. Again this doesn't require finding the volume
controls of each separate input source.

> Since this started from a discussion of a couple of sound applications,
> are you saying that these should be coded so that they only work for
> Gnome?

When they use gstreamer I reckon KDE could handle it gracefully in their
own way (there's gstreamer-artsd, etc).

> Surely a better thing would just be to avoid the confusion of using, in
> similar applications, similar-looking icons for quite different
> functions?

That's a first step. :-)


Reinout van Schouwen			Artificial Intelligence student
email: reinout cs vu nl			mobile phone: +31-6-44360778
	Against Software Patents in the EU -

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