Re: [Usability] ActiveIcons

Am Mi, den 31.03.2004 schrieb Steven Garrity um 0:50:
> Tobias Jakobs wrote:
> > I made a Mockup, and I would like to know what you think about it. 
> >
> > I added status information to the trash, storage devices and downloads. 
> > MfG Tobias Jakobs
> > P.S. Please cc me, I'm not on the mailinglist.
> Can you elaborate a bit? Is this just a mockup to illustrate the concept 
> of live/active icons, or is there working code behind this?
This is just a mockup. There is no code :(, I'm not a programmer, so I
just tried illustrate my ideas.

> I do think the concept is good, especially if used sparingly. Safari 
> does a good job of this in downloads on OS X, and Firefox is looking to 
> do the same on Windows.
Oh, I didn't know there is something like this on other OS. Do you have
And yes, you are right there shouldn't to much animation on the desktop.


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