Re: [Usability] Panel popup proposal

On Wed, 2004-06-09 at 18:44, Calum Benson wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-06-09 at 14:50, Daniele Levorato wrote:
> > I have a suggestion about panels popup menu... perhaps someone has 
> > already posted something similar however I don't know :-)
> We have indeed had long discussions about this before... most of the key
> points are captured in this (now closed) bug report:

Haven't read it thoroughly, have seen some talks about the hide buttons.
Too non-obvious i suppose.

I think you should take a look at each function of the parent context
menu i.e. the panel menu:

1. about panels, about gnome - who cares we want usability ;)
2. new panel - shouldn't be invoked from another panel, and if so, it's
not really important for the icon context menu which should inherit the
important parent functions.
3. properties + delete this panel - this
4. add to panel  - and this
5. help - isn't available in icon context menu

3. and 4. should go into a 'panel' submenu within the icon context menu.
True you won't get a 100% context menu, but the world isn't perfect
either. ;)


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