[Usability] Re: Suggestion for the actual UI of GTK+'s New FileSelector

>and two said they'd like the
> current path buttons to be combo-boxes with all the folders in the path.

That's because they haven't actually being using Path Navigator. After
having a real implementation of it  and test it with people, I do not expect
anyone going back to the combo boxes or the need for Up, Back buttons. ;-)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias" <egallego telefonica net>
To: "Eugenia Loli-Queru" <eloli hotmail com>
Cc: <desktop-devel-list gnome org>; <gtk-devel-list gnome org>;
<usability gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the actual UI of GTK+'s New FileSelector

> Hi Eugenia!
> > Please read the article for full explanation as to why things are the
> > they are in the mockup.
> I've made a "fake usability test" (because of no real implementation)
> with ten mates, (two of them have no or little computer experience), of
> your initial mock-up, (http://www.osnews.com/img/5582/filesel-wide.png)
> versus http://www.gnomepro.com/gtk-file-sel2.png
> * Two of them liked yours and would use it without hassle. They are
> WinXp users.
> * Eight of them prefers Erik's one. Three are Linux users (1 Debian/KDE,
> 2 Debian/Gnome), two are users with little computer experience (mainly
> in WinXP) and one is a WinXP user.
>    As previously stated the main reason they didn't like yours it the
> position of the favorite locations. Two of them said human vision
> prefers to see things horizontally disposed, (like cinema).
>    Another request was for a folder tree, and two said they'd like the
> current path buttons to be combo-boxes with all the folders in the path.
> ie: When you push the Photographs button in you mock-up, a list of all
> the folders in /tigert/My Documents/ is shown.
> Don't know if this is of any utility, but hope it helps.
> Regards, Emilio

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