Re: [Usability] Double-click in notification area?

On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, John Kodis wrote:

> Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 10:56:57 -0400
> From: John Kodis <kodis comcast net>
> To: usability gnome org
> Subject: Re: [Usability] Double-click in notification area?
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 12:02:13PM +0200, Daniele Levorato wrote:
> > All the other Desktop out there works with double click... there's
> > no reason to make GNOME different, breaking a standard.
> This line of reasoning seems like an admission that Gnome can never do
> anything any better than any other desktop, since doing things better

It is not an admission, and so far we only know that single click is
differnt we dont know for sure if it is better.
That Micrsoft failed to make it work suggest we should be very careful,
and I would very much like to see problems thoroughly worked out before
the default gets changed.

> > You said that nobody has shown you a good argument against single
> > click... but in my opinion you haven't argued too anything really
> > valid against double-click.
> There are at least two fairly strong arguments: double-click
> activation is used inconsistently, and requires an action that can be


files are opened using double click.

buttons are activated using single click,
this is not inconsistant but different by design.

> difficult to perform for people with limited mobility or in limited
> environments such as on kiosks or palm computers.

Does Gnome have a kiosk yet?
Does the Gnome Palmtop Enivroment not enable single click for themselves?
there are already various things they do differntly, they have even their
own small HIG.

> How about this as a possible approach:

implementation details need to be sorted out for single click mode
even if it doesn't get made the default.

- Alan

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