Re: [Usability] Double-click in notification area?

On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 03:44:59PM +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:

> I have a question for you: If single click is such a good idea why
> not Zero click?  Why not have more things activated on mouse over?
> This is another idea brought from the web.

Activation on mouse-over makes activation a bit too easy.  I'd rather
not have my cat fire off a dozen random applications each time he
falls asleep on my mouse pad.  I think that you've chosen the wrong
analogy here, though.  

A more appropriate parallel would be the idea of popping up a menu on
mouse-over.  This, and various color and typeface morphing, seem to be
the main uses of mouse-over in web pages.  Nautilus already provides
icon-morphing on mouse-over.  Adding a pop-up menu would be no more or
less annoying on the desktop than it is on the web.

-- John Kodis.

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