Re: [Usability] FOSA ideas

On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 12:46, Alan Horkan wrote:
> Rather than address your specific mockup I think focussing on a
> requirements list first as suggested by Calum is the best way to make
> progress.

I agree, is there a wiki or something somewhere, were we could all
collaborate on this type of document?  I think we have enough responses
to start making something up.

> > The "Location://" was a way of showing the Location text while running
> > out of room in the toolbar area.
> I really wish people would please stop creating new protocols.
> file:// is the right protocol for this situation.

I knew as soon as I sent this that I didn't explain the Location:// part
enough and someone would nit-pick it as me trying to create a new
protocol.  So here's the explanation:  file:// is a URI the operating
system uses to locate a file.  However real people (yes Alan, I just
called you a non-real person ;-) ) don't use this system at all.  The
Location: wasn't supposed to be a new protocol, but more like a simple
way of showing people where they are within the file-system; maybe
allowing users to type in the "location" they'd like to go to.  I'm
totally unconcerned with how this would be implemented. The Location 
was trying to display things to the user in a way that isn't technical,
more humane instead.  I think file might indicate that you're looking at
the file, "file:///home/horkana" which isn't really a file and could be
confusing since it's the proper method according to the protocol.  The
point being that we don't have to wave the technical protocol in the
users face simply because it would be the correct way of showing that

~ Bryan

Bryan W Clark
Graduate Student
Math && Computer Science Dept.
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY USA

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