Re: [Usability] display full path in spatial nautilus

From: Hasbullah bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

Thing to discuss....
When I'm using windows, i always set "Display full path at title bar"
in both type of explorer (spatial or navigation)

for me it is usefull for me to know the path of current opened folder.
in nautilus spatial mode, i cant find any option to enable it.
I think full path should be displayed somewhere, either in status bar or title bar.. or some other place...

Using the full path as the window title makes the window list thoroughly unusable for *most* users who aren't going to have ten folders with the same name.[1] The majority of users don't tend to use really deeply nested folders either so sacrificing these users for the minority case where a developer has .../cvs/epiphany/src ..cvs/nautilus/src etc. isn't really a good design decision. I actually think we need a hig recommendation here saying that you should not include the full path of a file in your apps window title. [2] What I think would be a better solution imo would be to change the list view to be more like the macos9 list view (ie a tree). This would allow you to view multiple levels of hierarchy within the same window and has the added benefit of displaying hierarchy as a visual element as oppose to requiring users to see the filesystem path string and than convert it mentally into the filesystem folder model. This way I could open my nautilus cvs folder and view the whole code base as a single project which would be pretty useful. dave

[1] I *once* thought this was a good idea too, but both seth and greg pointed out the pitfalls to me. You can search nautilus bugzilla. [2] gedit becomes useless to me so often when I can't find the file i've open in the window list because i have ten text files open all named "/home"

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