[Usability] gedit preferences dialog

Hi guys,
	I'm writing this mail for trying to get some help for improving the
usability of the gedit preferences dialog.

I'd like to use space in a more efficient way (there are lot of
categories with only two o three preferences each) and I'd like to
design the pages for the new options I'm going to add in gedit 2.4 (i.e.
syntax highlighting, right margin, smart home/end).

Probably some of the options, like the "display line numbers" one, could
be moved to the view menu. How should I manage the default behavior in
these cases?

Any help will be appreciated.


Paolo Maggi                      E-mail: paolo DOT maggi AT polito DOT it
Dip. Automatica e Informatica    Tel.  : + 39 011 564 7078 
Politecnico di Torino            Fax   : + 39 011 564 7099

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