Re: [Usability] gedit preferences dialog

Paolo Maggi wrote:
Hi guys,

Ciao Paolo!

	I'm writing this mail for trying to get some help for improving the
usability of the gedit preferences dialog.

I'd like to use space in a more efficient way (there are lot of
categories with only two o three preferences each) and I'd like to
design the pages for the new options I'm going to add in gedit 2.4 (i.e.
syntax highlighting, right margin, smart home/end).

A list of new options would help. Anyway, I would first re-organize the preferences tree as follows:




Starting from the last item, I like the way GKrellM handles plugins: clicking on the main category you get a list of all available plugins (you now have to click on Manager), under the former you have a list of all activated plugins, if you click on one of them you reach its configuration options.

General should host all non-editing related option groups: Open, Save, Print (merging all current print options), Fonts & Colors.

Remaining options should be collected in two groups under Editor: Formatting (syntax highlighting, wrap mode, indentation, tabs, etc.) and Misc (undo, line numbers, right margin, smart home/end).

You could also think about doing withouth a hyerarchical tree (when you click on the main category you just get the gedit logo, which is a waste of space and a little frustrating) and consider an icon list like Galeon and many KDE apps do. This would mean rethinking the whole prefs structure.

Probably some of the options, like the "display line numbers" one, could
be moved to the view menu. How should I manage the default behavior in
these cases?

I think that you should retain both: the prefs option should determine standard behaviour, while using the View menu you can change it on a per document basis.


Roberto Rosselli Del Turco      e-mail:	rosselli at
Dipartimento di Scienze			rosselli at
del Linguaggio			Then spoke the thunder	DA
Universita' di Torino		Datta: what have we given?  (TSE)

  Hige sceal the heardra,     heorte the cenre,
  mod sceal the mare,       the ure maegen litlath.  (Maldon 312-3)

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