Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Re: [Usability]Music player UI

> > Nautilus is a navigation-centric film manager. Rhythmbox as it stands is
> > a meta-data organised, library based music player. These are two totally
> > different metaphors and if mixed will IMHO create a horrible ui.
> gawd... thanks for the smack upside the head.  not sure where that came
> from. <:)

mm, yeah. I'm quite opinionated about nautilus in general. I really
don't like the whole idea of internal viewers. I think that things
should be kept simple and clean. There is no need to have a go and
bookmarks and other file manager related menus avalible when you only
want to play some mp3s.

So yeah, wasn't snapping at you, i think the idea of an
nautilus-integrated music player just scared me :) I Think jorn would
agree ;)

> > CD: Enhance and clean up the current gnome cd player. Give it ripping
> > functionality while retaining the ability to use it as a really simple
> > cd player.
> Yeah, I think you're right on this, too.   I really like your idea on
> the CD player - I use grip right now, and I like it, but it's kinda
> nasty from a newbie standpoint.  Maybe all apps that can add rip files
> into one's media library should have a standard "rip" button of some
> kind?  (Probably not using the word "rip" though.  Gotta love the crazy 
> imagery, esp on Unix/Linux systems... kill, zombie, burn, rip, etc... ;)

Might be kinda hard to come up with as good a way as describing ripping
as "ripping". It is a very commonly used word. As for the button idea,
yeah that would rock. I seem to rememeber seeing some cool ripping icons
with cd's having their data "ripped" off with a lazer.

Then again, we could do like you say and totally dump the idea od
ripping and instead have an "add to library" function for audio cd
tracks. When you click add to library, it shows you a status
dialog("Adding songs to library") while it rips the songs into the
library. That would be real smooth. We just have to make sure that it
would be obvious to both advanced and normal user, what's going on.

> As Marco said earlier this month, "find an acceptable
> compromise for 1.0. We have some really nice pieces of code, it's a pity
> weare unable to put them together in an acceptable interface. Yeah,
> acceptable, we can make it rock for 2.0."  Basically, we won't *really*
> know if what's being attempted is any good until it gets into the hands
> of users, testers, etc.

I agree with that to a point. I think that we should run with the
current ideas and try to get rhythmbox out there with a funky new UI.
Especially now that monkey-media is so versative and stable. But at the
same time I'm glad that we did not run to 1.0 with any of the previous

> Of course, this is all total pontificating, as I am utterly unable to
> contribute any code to this. ;)  What do the actual coders think of
> these ideas?  Jorn, et al?

Me too, but as Jorn said about stream-ripping I think, once we have a UI
to go with the coding isn't masively hard. So don't underestimate your

                 .--= [ MArk Finlay - sisob ] =--.

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