[Usability] Re: Icon selector, 2nd mockup

Stephan Bayer wrote:

Am So, den 07.12.2003 schrieb Vivek Bhanuprakash um 00:35:

Stefan Ihringer wrote:

Hi Stephan!

I think "use a custome image file" should be below "Pick an icon from
one of these collections" So the user first decide wich "location" he
use and then wich icon.

Like this?


Hmmm...my previous post has not yet appeared in the group and it has been 3 days now.

Anyway, your mock up looks similar to what I had suggested in the 'missing post'. The only thing that I would like to add here is that we should probably have a small check box labeled, say, 'Show Image Names'.
This check box will control the display and hiding of the file names.


Why do you need the names of the images ?
What is the use case for this ?


Well...over the top of my head, the quickest example that I can think of is something like this..

<begin example>
Assume that I am searching for an icon for ummm...the web browser. We already know that we have quite a few of them and so we show them all in the icon selector along with all other sorts of icons. Now, it is possible that the icon collection is quite large (as is most of the time) and so the list will get populated and I will have to scroll down the list to see all the web browser icons.

But, I am interested in one particular icon (say, because I recently installed a package that added a few browser icons).

Now, I don't know how the new icon looks but I know the name (because I saw it in the package). Now it would be useful for me to see the icons by their names.
</end example>

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