Re: [slightly off-topic] Re: [Usability] HIG: Close button

On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 18:34, David Adam Bordoley wrote:
> > 2. WM's "close" icon at decoration is smaller than "regular GTK+
> >    button" (and it is normal).  Therefore, WM's icon is harder to plump
> >    by mouse and requires more time (~ 5 sec. vs. 0.5 sec. in my case). 
> > 
> This is a legitimate issue. One way to increase speed here is to limit the 
> amount of accidental clicking of other window buttons by seperating close 
> from minimize and maximize. Also while i do suspect that the wm button might 
> be slightly slower than a large close button, I'm pretty sure for most users 
> the difference won't be so dramatic when timing with the stop watch. [3] 

Probably not, but it's a dramatic difference in convenience.
The "persistent" Epiphany download window reminds me of this each and
every time I download or even open a file. :)
Maybe there would be a way to make the window manager controls more
efficient and convenient, but that would be a different discussion, I
assume... The current situation works for me.

Daniel "hoping not to have bitten a bait :)"

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