Re: [Usability]prefs dialog recommendation

> 4 or more pages:
> Use the gimp-tree (the code is very well readable) an the gimp
> headlines. The advantage of a tree is that you are not limited in depth
> (in contrast to galeon1.2 - where you were actually able to group pages
> but you were not even able to have a title page - with a description of
> the section for the user). It gimp-tree also benefits from the ability
> to group items (which is not possible in galeon2 if i see this
> correctly). The nautilus-list doesn't need many changes to look like a
> gimp-tree.

Your point on the limit in depth is well taken, but I'd submit that you
don't really want to have limitless depth... a depth of two probably
should be an absolute maximum and only when there are tons of options...
mostly because you don't want to give the user too many places to
consider where the settings for any given feature...

I like the idea of having the galeon2 style big icons on the left, but
given your point on depth restrictions, perhaps we should suggest a
standard of :

1) Major headings go in galeon2 style big icons... cause really, they're
kinda sexy...

2) If the options are so numerous that they call for a second tree of
depth, the right pane can be notebook tabbed to provide multiple pages
of options...

Sorry for the post so late into the discussion...


Joshua Adam Ginsberg	       Cellphone: 713.478.1769
Rice University '02	       Email: joshg myrealbox com
St. Mark's School of Texas '98
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a 
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor 
safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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