Re: [Usability]Re: PATCH: Bug 82107, Turn off nautilus sidebar and location bar by default

On Sun, 2002-09-01 at 18:18, Sean.A.Mc-Elroy-1 wrote:

> In a quick overview of the HIG, I noticed in Chapter 8 specifications
> for control spacing. I'm not completely knowledgable about the
> underlying workings of Gnome, but is there a way for the GUI to
> generate these control positions (therefore spacings) and thus window
> sizes dynamically based on the window's relative control layout,
> perhaps using a spacing value read from GConf or some other
> configuration file?

In fact what we really want is to be able to define spacings in terms of
the current theme font-- then everything pretty much falls into place.
(Windoze does this with its "dialog units").   Unfortunately Glade
doesn't work like this at the moment, presumably because gtk doesn't


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson ireland sun com    Desktop Engineering Group                      +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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