Re: GNOME Menu (was: Re: [Usability]Re: UI Review Suggestions - Panel)

Eugene O'Connor wrote:
Fair enough, it looks like there is a good case to change the name of the GNOME Menu. Main Menu seems the obvious contender, but I'd like to think about this for a couple of days to see if I can come up with anything better.

"Main menu", or simply "Main", seems only too logical. But I have a question: why are the GNOME top level menus limited to 2? and why are they so unbalanced? that is, the GNOME Menu holds almost everything, while in the Actions menu you can only choose a half dozen items (one of them, Screenshot, not really that useful for the average user, as it has already been noticed). A standard menu panel looks almost empty, until you open the GNOME menu and look at all kind of stuff (preferences, applications, utilities, help, home) bunched together.

Food for thought for GNOME 2.4: I think there should be a Main menu, but it should be a user-centered menu, allowing him to perform basic actions, browse his home dir, change personal information and open recent files. The other menus should be spread on the menu panel, so that it is easy a) to find what's needed b) to host distributions custom tools or items (documentation, for instance). Something like this (hope formatting is preserved):

    Personal info
    	About myself
	Change password
    Open Recent
    Run program
    Search for files...
    Lock screen
    New login
    Log out


    File tools
    Text editors

    Desktop preferences
    GNOME System Tools

    GNOME help
    Linux guide for beginners
    Howto in english
    About GNOME

Note that the GNOME menu being only two levels deep doesn't help much because, as noted in a previous thread, some distributions just put it "as is" inside their menu structure, making it difficult to find the desidered menu item. Result: my menu panel has grown lots of launcher icons. It would be more difficult for distros to do this if the menu structure were more expanded, on the contrary I believe they'd use it to insert their own menu items.


Roberto Rosselli Del Turco      e-mail:	rosselli cisi unito it
Dipartimento di Scienze			rosselli ling unipi it
del Linguaggio			Then spoke the thunder	DA
Universita' di Torino		Datta: what have we given?  (TSE)

  Hige sceal the heardra,     heorte the cenre,
  mod sceal the mare,       the ure maegen litlath.  (Maldon 312-3)

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