[Usability]Embedding capplets in application preferences


Is there any general rule regarding the use of capplets in application
preferences?  My most specific concern is that proxy settings have for
long been configurable directly from within galeon.  Now that the proxy
capplet has equivalent functionality, I feel that galeon should provide
easy access to the settings that have earlier belonged to web browsers
almost exclusively.

Many of the capplets affect the whole desktop (fonts, theme, mouse) but
proxies only a (small?) fraction of it, so it's more specialized in that
sense.  I think it is expected that those settings are available from
within the application that's specialized in the web as well, such as
galeon.  For the most of the applications it's just a necessary evil;
the weather applet doesn't really care about the web, for example, it
just needs its HTTP connection.

I realize that embedding the capplet in the preferences dialog might
mislead the user to think those are application-specific settings, but
it would provide more integrated feel.  This is how evolution is
handling GtkHtml font preferences.

Providing a simple button that starts the capplet would be somewhere in
the middle, it would provide easy access and make it more obvious these
are not application-specific settings.

Or am I just confused to think there's any problem here?

Tommi Komulainen                                 tommi komulainen iki fi
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