Re: [Usability]File roller report 1st draft

I think its basically the right idea. This is particularly good if we
ever get the much-vaunted-but-never-implemented "browse tarballs with
Nautilus" feature. Then you just create a tarball, which behaves like a
folder, and copy stuff into it. That way we don't even really need the
options in the "MIME actions" context menu, just a way to create
tarballs (perhaps in the same place as folders: "Create Archive").


On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 09:50, Aschwin van der Woude wrote:
> > Beautiful, except that it doesn't have any way to create a tarball.  But if you
> > put an appropriate option on the folder context menu....mmmmmm.
> <crazy thought-bubble>
> What about having two items for this in the context menu :
>   - Create tarball
>   - Add to tarball
> The create option will ask for a location + filename, afterwards a package icon 
> in the system-tray indicating we are creating a package.
> All subsequent invocations of 'Add to tarball' would have the file(s) added to this tarball, or 
> perhaps files could be dragged to the icon.
> Perhaps the tarball is 'open' until the user clicks on the icon in the system-tray, or if a 
> time-out occurs.
> The problem is off course that the sudden appearance of the icon in the system-tray isn't necessarily
> linked to the 'Create tarball' function. Maybe some sort of animation or perhaps just a simple explanation
> would make this more clear.
> <crazy thought-bubble>
> The above might sound totally silly, but the idea popped into my grey mass and would have been gone
> if I would not have shared it.
> How silly do you people think this is,
> -A.

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