Re: [Usability]Menus and Menu items

On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 15:15, Mark Nelson wrote:
> - Menu items in applications (Such as File/Edit)and on the Menu panel
> (such as Applications/Actions) should highlight in the same way that
> toolbar icons do.  If I was a new computer user, I'd have no idea that I
> could click on the word "Application" or "File" to access it as a menu. 
> Highlighting the word on mouse-over would help give feedback that you
> can do something with it.  This would also have the added benefit that
> users would know what part of the menu panel or "file bar" they are
> currently hovering over.  Menu names (such as File) should continue to
> be highlighted while the menu is visible (as is the current behavior).

You should file a bug for this with gtk. Both windows and mozilla seem
to do this.


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