Re: [Usability]HIG proposal - "(Modified)"

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 10:12, Calum Benson wrote:
> [...] the idea of
> having a draggable icon somewhere in the window frame that represents
> the current document is something that comes up from time to time. 
> OpenWindows did this years ago and it was a popular feature of those
> apps that supported it.

It also really helps promote the feel that dragging stuff around is
strongly integrated.

OpenWindows had a weakness gnome could avoid here with some care --
it mixed the idea of moving anobject around (dragging to a new
location) with the idea of doing something (e.g. dragging a file to
the printer shouldn't consume the original!)

Possibly you should drag a hosepipe out from the printer icon to the
file to print, or some other similar metaphor.

Making better use of window title bars would be good -- although using
the menu bar worked OK in OpenWindows.

Also, title bars were, for example,
    Text Editor - anklepr0n (edited); dir /export/home/liam/writing

This worked OK with titles that might get truncated.  I thinkt he
open look styl e guide said the version number of the program
should be there too, Text Editor 3.0 - filename; dir, with (edited)
inserted as necessary.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Author, Open Source XML Database Toolkit, Wiley August 2000
Co-author: The XML Specification Guide, Wiley 1999; Mastering XML, Sybex 2001

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