Re: [Usability]HIG proposal - "(Modified)"

The suggested change of adding "(modified)" to the title bar doesn't
address applications that have multiple documents open in a tabbed
interface. This seems to be a property of many IDE's. For example,
although not exactly a really integrated GNOME application, the Bluefish
HTML editor ( has such an interface and it
denotes changes in individual documents with an asterisk. The Eclipse
IDE Havoc espoused recently also seems to have such an interface.
Perhaps the HIG changes should take these types of apps into


Joshua Adam Ginsberg	       Cellphone: 713.478.1769
Rice University '02	       Email: joshg myrealbox com
St. Mark's School of Texas '98
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a 
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor 
safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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