Re: [Usability]Attempt at constructive criticism - "Why Gnome 2 sucks for me"

Aleksander Adamows wrote: 
> Then the most needed, critical thing currently is to provide better help 
> facility:
>     * Full-text search for topics: finds chapters that contain all the
>       search terms that user typed, searching for occurences of words
>       that begin with characters that comprise search terms, e.g: "Nauti
>       icon sca" should find the chapter that describes icons scaling in
>       Nautilus (finding words "Nautilus, icon, icons, scale, scaling")
>     * Keywords from search terms highlighted in displayed text when you
>       go to a topic from a list of search matches;
>     * Search for text in currently viewed topic (and highlight found
>       matches);
>     * Good context-sensitive help everywhere throughout Gnome (Gnome
>       core and all Gnome apps):
>           o in every dialog box, you can press F1 to get help for task
>             associoted with widget that is focused
>           o for every drop-down menu item, you can point the mouse at
>             it, and press F1 to see its help context

Absolutely spot on target. Developing a top-class front-end for Help should be 
the highest priority. No matter how scintillating your Help, it matters little 
if people can't find what they are looking for. 


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