Re: An alternative proposal for instant-apply vs. non-instant-apply

At 4:47 AM +1000 9/7/01, Jeff Waugh wrote:
<quote who="Adam Elman">

 2) Object property dialogs which have immediate visual effects (say, a
 style editor in a GNOME word processor or an object properties dialog in
 GIMP or Dia) should be instant-apply.

Just to be clear: I fully agree with this.

 They should not have any buttons controlling the window: instead, the user
 should simply use the standard WM close box or a "close window" menu
 option to close the dialog, and the standard Undo command to undo actions

Why is this?

I've gone back and forth on this a couple of times, but I think this is correct for object property dialogs.

Basically, you don't need "Cancel" or "OK" or anything like that, since the dialog is instant-apply. If it applies to a document, you don't need an "Undo" button either since that functionality should already be available from the document. So the only button you might need is "Close". And that's redundant with the close button that the WM provides (or at least should provide).


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