Re: [Usability] Keyboard navigation / control proposal?

On 05Nov2001 01:16AM (+1100), Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Hey all,
> Has anyone done anything about keyboard navigation / control? I can't see
> one on the proposal page, other than the relevant bits in the dialogue
> proposal.
> There's a fair amount of could- or must-fixable stuff to do. Some things off
> the top of my head:
>   * common menu shortcuts

We cover this in the forthcoming HIG.

>   * scope of alt and ctrl keybindings

I don't think it's stated explicitly, but we're generally using Alt
for keyboard navigation (underlined letter type shortcuts and Alt+TAB)
and Ctrl (or Ctrl+Shift) for global shortcuts. I don't think we've
recommended anything using Ctrl+Alt, but I'd put that in the global
shortcut set too.

>   * standard (or 'preferred') WM keybindings

No one has thought about this. A common standard would really need to
include KDE and unaffiliated window managers to be truly
effective. i.e., material. I hope the GNOME usability
group would participate in designing such a standard.

>   * aiming for familiar results from modifier keys

Not sure what this would entail.

>   * should we provide key mappings for users familiar with other GUIs?

If there's an easy mechanism and someone wants to do it, it would be

But for the usability project, I think the focus is on using keyboard
shorcuts that are already similar to other systems for common commands
(Ctrl C/X/V for copy/cut/paste, Ctrl Z for undo, Ctrl D for add
bookmark, etc).

 - Maciej

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