Re: Accelerator and terminology guides?

<quote who="Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero">

> UUmm, yes, but I guess the approach is to nuke old apps from the face
> of planet. Specially shells.

This is not the correct approach, and should not be followed.

> Unix users do not use GNOME. /me runs

Incorrect - GNOME is a *nix desktop environment. Not fully taking advantage
of pre-existing work is thoughtless... *Especially* when it gives us so many
advantages over the competition. Take, for instance, the many people who
would love to see X die a quick death - they can't for the life of them see
why X is such an important piece of a networked environment's infrastucture.

> Now I am confused. GNOME tries to be Unix, tries to be Windows, tries
> to be a small being that stoles pants.... ?:-/

GNOME tries to be GNOME. Don't worry about Windows, don't worry about Macs;
certainly look for and assess their virtues - the really awesome things -
but ignore specifics. The most important thing to us is the usability of
GNOME, in and of itself and its environment.

- Jeff

     "Just because I sit in front of a terminal all day doesn't mean I      
      couldn't hunt you down and righteously kick your ass to feed my       
          newfound cannabalism." - Darwinian System Administration          

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