Re: Menu Guidelines

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 09:59:42AM +0100, Michael Rogers wrote:

> In KDE they make the distinction between 'Unix process', 'application'
> and 'document', where 'application' refers to a main window and its
> dialogs. They say that Ctrl-W should close the document, and Ctrl-Q
> should close the application. There is no key for killing the Unix
> process, because unless the process hangs all the time *coughscape*
> there's no need for the user to know how many processes are running, or
> which applications they correspond to.

In that case, for apps like netscape or mozilla, closing a "document" or
an "application" would be the same and Ctrl-W should disappear (as in
Konqueror), did I get it?

I don't think Guillermo would like it :), but that seems a good solution
to me.

Some tool to associate processes to applications and manipulate the
processes is still needed, IMHO, because from time to time they do hang or
leak or somewhat misbehave.

This is especially needed for Gnome and other software that benefits of
the advantages of a release-early method of development.  This is not a
bug, but a feature to be taken into account. :-)

Bye, Enrico

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