Re: [Nautilus-list] Re: Installation-time performerance preference

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 10:23:29AM +0100, Michael Rogers wrote:

> Good point. Peformance prefs should be stored on a per-display basis,
> calculated during the first login from that display.
> Yup, we should allow the user to override the recommended performance
> settings, or manually re-run the benchmarks.

I think this problem has already been addressed (and decently solved) in
many videogames settings dialogs: I recall some of them having lots of
obscure on/off switches for many graphical and sound settings, with a big
slider on top going from 'Fast graphics' to 'Full graphics', that, when
changed, activated and deactivated different sets of options.

I think the same could apply to Gnome preferences.  The initial setting of
the slider could be calculated by some benchmark or by having a look at
the hardware configuration in /proc, as we see fit.  Then the user can
enjoy playing with the slider and maybe, later, as he/she eventually gets
more confident with the system, start twiddling with the various single

We might also consider that the speed of a system is perceived differently
from individual to individual, and may probably be different from that
reported by the benchmarks.

Bye, Enrico

GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini (Unibo) <zinie cs unibo it>

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