Re: Installation-time performerance preference

Christian Rose wrote:
> -- GNOME desktop performerance --------------
> The GNOME desktop has default preferences that will fit most types of
> modern computer hardware. However, if you are installing on an older
> system with less resources, more restrictive defaults may be a better
> alternative.
>         [ ] Restrictive                 - Specially targeted for systems with
>                                           limited memory and computing power,                                                     typically an older
> computer
>         [*] Default                     - Targeted for most systems
> ---------------------------------------------

Perhaps this decision could be automated by running benchmarks at
install time? X server performance (time to map a window, client-server
round-trip time, colour depth and screen resolution); amount of RAM (can
libgtop find this out?); CPU performance; filesystem performance in
$HOME. Different versions of documentation could be installed to match
the look and feel chosen by/for the user (eg if icons in menus have been
switched off to save RAM, screenshots should not show icons in menus).


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