Re: Hi folks (and some random thoughts)

Brian, folks --

First of all, we are definitely including standard keybindings, keyboard shortcuts, and standard menus in the mini-guidelines, at least in some form. (I talked to Brian a bit about this on IRC.)

I do have some opinions on the below, as Brian mentioned in his followup...

My main thought here is to note that, as many of us have said many times before, just because Microsoft has spent millions of dollars on usability testing doesn't mean that they spend a whole lot of effort on designing useful and usable software in the first place. Usability testing on a lousy design results in a slightly less lousy design.

This is not to say that all of Microsoft's designs are lousy, of course. But I think it's really important to approach these things with a critical eye, starting from the user's end goals and working inward, rather than simply saying "well, Microsoft did it and they've been very successful, so it must work..." I also don't mean to single Brian out here; he definitely makes some good points.

At 7:21 PM -0400 8/9/01, Brian Crescimanno wrote:
One of the main points of lack of usability is the current "bolt-on"
feel of Nautilus and a browser.  Windows has seen success because the
file manager and browser were integrated into the desktop.  Not only
that, they were integrated with each other.  I think one of the main
goals of the usability project, and of the Nautilus project as well,
should be to really get Nautilus up to speed as an all purpose file
manager...integrating it fully with mozilla rather than providing
minimal support.

I would have to disagree somewhat with this one. There is a definite cognitive difference between managing local files (and, for that matter, networked files such as those found on an FTP or WebDav server) and viewing a rendered HTML web page and interacting with web-based apps through things like forms. There are many operations which are similar, but I think the user will tend to see them as separate.

As an example: in a file manager window, you expect to see icons and captions that you can manipulate directly. In a web browser window, you expect to see rendered HTML pages, form elements, etc. that you can click on.

There are certainly parallel operations, and you certainly want some level of integration and a lot of similarity between the two apps, but I think it's good for them to remain separate interfaces as far as the user is concerned.

Also, the fuctionality of the file manager needs to extend down into all
file management realms of the Desktop.  For example, when you attempt to
open a file from an application, a window that looks like it's part of
the file management system should open.  This window should also have
basically the full functionality of the file manager

I'm also not sure this is the right way to go either, although it admittedly makes sense.

I'm really fond of the OS X way of doing this, which actually _attaches_ the "Save" panel to the document window with which it is associated, making it clear which document is being saved. I think that might be more important than allowing full management features. But I'm not sure.



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